
Speed of Delivery: Title Extending Closing Times

By Atclose -

June 23, 2021


By making mortgage lending industry processes more convenient and secure for all transaction stakeholders, AtClose is transforming how the mortgage industry can support all of its required functions. We provide solutions that are a step ahead and can lead to closing loans faster than ever before. With our dashboard reporting combined with automated, configurable workflows, our customers, vendors, and employees alike can act on and or monitor your specific procedures in real-time streamlining the entire process.

Customary Closing Time Frames

Once the buyer and seller sign the contract, the closing process begins — and therein lies the rub. It almost certainly will not move as quickly as anticipated. While seamless closings are ideal for everyone involved, they rarely happen. This is where AtClose comes in to help the process.

One would assume that the appraisal is to blame for extended turn times, however as it turns out, the culprit is said to be the title.  Lenders, realtors, title agents, and customers all want every transaction to go as smoothly as possible to ensure the best settlement experience.  AtClose’s technology keeps each of these stakeholders informed and ensures a more efficient transaction. At all times, each stakeholder can be made aware of the title status as well as have mechanisms in place to keep track of every curative item independently.  By keeping the parties informed and in sync, there are no surprises, and better service is provided to the consumer.

With automated workflows that are driven by client-specific barcodes,  typists, as well as product delivery, can result in no-touch processing and partner notifications.  This process sets all parties up to provide and receive updates and products in real-time and helps to avoid miscommunication which could lead to closings being jammed into the end of the month.

Here at AtClose, we are streamlining industry processes with our technology making it easier, faster, and more effective for everyone involved. Contact AtClose today to learn how we can help you!

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