
AtClose – An efficient Vendor Management platform for Lenders and Mortgage Service Providers

By Atclose -

August 8, 2016


Lenders and Service providers face similar challenges in a mortgage loan origination process. Both routinely make changes in a loan approval process. Hence, it makes difficult for lenders and service providers to create a smooth collaboration.

The mortgage loan origination process includes lots of paperwork. Many lenders and service providers perform manual processing of the cumbersome paperwork. Therefore, it complicates the mortgage process while coordinating with multiple parties. Lots of manual work is not a profitable solution for lenders or service providers as it consumes time and needs human efforts. Also, it increases the chances of manual error while decreasing the production quality and efficiency.

Handling multiple vendors need an innovative solution for lenders and service providers. Therefore, keeping the needs in mind, AtClose team came up with an industry leading technology platform for the lenders and service providers to perform an efficient vendor management for the title, settlement and appraisal industries. The AtClose platform built with best-of-the-breed technology that fits your business needs with seamless cloud-based integration.

AtClose easily connects service providers with their choice of vendors at different mortgage service levels from a single interactive platform. It has one of the largest networks of interconnected lenders and service providers of U.S. This network helps customers to collaborate easily for smooth mortgage origination process. It helps users to exchange data, documents and communication electronically between service providers and their choice of vendors through a secured platform.

Robust Vendor Management

The robust vendor management module framework helps users to categorize the vendors based on the product type, lenders, services, and location. It compiles a detailed relationship history with each vendor and allows customers to specify criteria for automatically selecting a preferred vendor for each title process in every geographical area.

AtClose’s Vendor Management Features – At A Glance

  • Automate order placing and tracking process
  • Categorization of vendors by location, product type, lender, etc.
  • Controls on Service and order level for efficient, error-free, smooth and fast process
  • Automatic selection of vendor like abstractors, appraisers (AMCs), attorneys, real estate agents, settlement agents, mortgage recorders, etc.
  • Tracking of Vendor licenses/background checks, insurance information and generating alerts for renewal.
  • Vendor Registration portal for new vendors to sign up
  • Reduce duplicate order and track 100% placed/received orders
  • Supports ancillary products
  • Multiple vendor distribution models
  • Automated Ranking
  • Vendor Due Diligence
  • Vendor Self-Service Portal

These features help to streamline the vendor management solution by ordering, tracking and receiving mortgage services and products at every mortgage origination level. It is a complete solution for customers to reduce the business contingencies while increasing the profits.

AtClose is a wholly owned subsidiary of Visionet Systems, Inc.; founded in 1995. Over 20 years’ industry experience made us one of the leading business solution providers for the title and settlement industry.

At AtClose, we take pride in delivering the most advanced & comprehensive could-based business platform to our customers which helped them increasing their return on investment (ROI) and business efficiency and reducing the risk and cost. It’s not we; our satisfied customers made us take the pride because they are experiencing the benefits and gaining the profits after implementing AtClose in their businesses. If you want to try us out, please mail us at or call us on 412 265 1029.

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