
Open Data Analytics for Title Production

By Atclose -

June 4, 2021


Here at AtClose we are passionate about creating the most innovative solutions for our clients working in the real estate industry. We specialize in software packages for title production and process flow that can be configured and scaled to fit any size business. We handle our clients’ needs with efficiency, flexibility, and scalability.

AtClose, which is used by a number of title companies, ensures that transactions are accurate and efficient, and that employees follow the same procedures every time, reducing missing data, lost productivity, and costly errors.

We offer you personalized style reporting of your processes. Once we provide you with your own personalized reporting, it is yours to access at any time free of charge. Our competition typically struggles with providing you with a title production that is customized to your needs and they usually charge you to access your own data! 

To help assist customers in making more informed business decisions AtClose made the decision to move its application reporting from a traditional reporting tool to Microsoft Power BI, the world’s most popular BI tool.

Customers will be able to see current and historical data to identify ways to increase profit, analyze customer behavior, track marketing representative performance, spot market trends, optimize operations, and discover issues and problems as a result of this move.

AtClose will provide a data warehouse to clients so they can analyze their data however they want. Clients will be able to do analytics and reporting right out of the box with the Power BI tool. 

Did you know? AtClose is the only mortgage product running on AWS. AWS Cloud Economics developed the Cloud Value Framework to help organizations build a comprehensive business case for cloud by measuring and tracking progress against four key dimensions of value: cost savings, staff productivity, operational resilience, and business agility.

Preparing You For Success

Our vision has become a reality that benefits title professionals daily. This includes the creation of a standardized title information that spans the nation and empowers you with your data.

We achieved this in part by responding to the industry’s increasingly ambitious productivity goals, including pioneering the automation of large-scale property title databases. We continue to refine our processes in an effort to reduce the expense of conducting and concluding property title searches improving the process as a whole.

Are you ready to have your own individualized Title Production that you can access at any time? Work with the company that is always one step ahead by contacting AtClose today.

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